Brevard Dry Needling

Effective Relief From Acute and Chronic pain. (828) 565 2606  

Brevard dry needling is a local business run by me, Dr Melanie Jordan LPT, DPT. I’m a licensed physical therapist with many years of experience.

Whether you are an older adult struggling with arthritis, an avid athlete, mountain biker, or just plagued by a recurrent ‘niggle’, come and see what dry needling can do for you!



*Bookings must be made in April, but sessions can take place in May. We’re very accommodating here at BDN.

What is dry needling?

During dry needling a thin, sterile needle is inserted into a myofascial trigger point to treat knotted, tender areas. Several needles are used per session, and they are normally left in situ for several minutes.

Is it different from acupuncture?

Yes - in dry needling, the therapist penetrates the muscle at specific trigger points to release tension and induce a healing response. Acupuncture targets points along meridian lines, representing bodily organs, with the goal of restoring balance and proper energy flow.

About Dry Needling

How does it work?

When dry needling is applied to your muscles and tissues, it can decrease tightness, increase blood flow and reduce local and referred pain. Dry needling can provide structural, biochemical, and electrical changes in the properties of muscle.

Does it hurt?

Some people feel a small prick when the needle is inserted, but the most usual sensations are a twitch in the muscle or an ache as the needling targets the tight fibres.

What conditions can benefit from dry needling?

We can treat chronic or acute joint issues, such as arthritis, back or neck pain, disc issues, whiplash/headaches, hip and shoulder problems, muscle tightness, sprains and strains, and lots more.

What are the risks?

Dry needling is a safe, minimally painful and often very effective technique for people with certain musculoskeletal conditions. The most common side effect is soreness during and after treatment. Other side effects are usually minor- such as stiffness, bruising, or fatigue- and resolve fairly quickly.

Please be prepared to expose the area in question - shorts, or loose, comfortable clothing is ideal.


Evaluation and first treatment session: ( around 45 minutes): $90

Subsequent treatments: ( around 30 minutes) : $50

Please be aware that certain conditions (such as blood clotting problems), or certain medications, may mean treatment is not suitable for you. This will be discussed thoroughly at evaluation, and there will be no charge if we are unable to proceed.

Please feel free to call or text on the number below if you have any questions! Dry needling is a simple procedure but it’s important to me you feel comfortable at your first session.

Payment can be rendered by card, cash or cheque. Unfortunately, Brevard Dry Needling does not take insurance for treatment sessions.